Elevate your school's culinary experience with Sammic
Equipment for bars and restaurants with small kitchens.
Pizzerias are just as unique as the styles of pizza that they produce.
Equipment services and guide
Reduce labor time and increase patient satisfaction with Sammic equipment
Large kitchens
Different cutting types you can achieve with your vegetable slicer
The most universal, practical, and versatile cut
Optimum performance at any speed
Frozen or fresh cut french fries?
The latest generation sous-vide cooker
Serve up to 150 six-ounce portions per hour
Efficiency and production in a compact format
Blend, filter, and emulsify in one step
Here you will find the documentation you need about our machines.
Scan the QR code of your Sammic machine and gain access to warranty information, documentation, spare parts, and support.
After the sale, we are committed to offering excellent support and customer service. If you need assistance, contact us. We are here to help!
The importance of having a good intermediary. Right from the start, we have relied on our dealer to sell our equipment. And that commitment still stands.
1961. Azpeitia. A group of local entrepreneurs starts their activity in a basement. Much has changed since then. Want to get to know us?
Internationally, we are directly established in several countries across Europe, America, and Asia. In addition, we sell to more than 100 countries across all five continents. Discover our sales network!
We attend trade shows and events where you can visit us and see and touch our machines. Come in and see where we can meet in the coming months!
Due to the vacation period of part of Sammic team, this blog is going to go on a little holiday as well. We will be back in September.
Thank you for reading us and see you soon!
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