Cutting guide

Different cutting types you can achieve with your vegetable slicer

Discover all the potential of your CA vegetable slicer with our cutting guide. On this page, we show you the different cuts you can achieve with your Sammic machine. Simply choose the discs and grids you need.

What cut do you need?

Choose the discs and grids that best suit your needs

  • Slices / FC

    1 mm - 25 mm

  • Wavy slices / FCO

    2 mm - 6 mm

  • French fries / FC + FFC

    8 mm - 10 mm

  • Cubes / FC + FMC

    8 mm - 25 mm

  • Slices (soft products) / FCC

    2 mm - 5 mm

  • Strips / FCE

    2 mm - 8 mm

  • Grating / SH

    Dust - 7 mm

  • Déli-cut / FCE-4x4G + FMC-8D

    4 x 4 x 8 mm

New: Déli-cut

FCE-4x4G & FMC-8D

Déli-cut, the exclusive brunoise-style 4 x 4 x 8 mm cut, is the most universal and versatile cut for the chef for cooking, sautéing, dressing salads, preparations, making fillings, and much more.

Combine the cutting disc FCE-4x4G and the grid FMC-8D to achieve the Déli-cut.

FC Discs

For cutting slices

Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
FC‑1+ 1 mm 1/32"
FC‑2+ 2 mm 5/64"
FC‑3D 3 mm 1/8"
FC‑6D 6 mm 1/4"
FC‑8D 8 mm 5/16"
FC‑10D 10 mm 3/8"
FC‑14D 14 mm 15/32"
FC‑20+ 20 mm 3/4"
FC‑25+ 25 mm 1"

Slices of...

Product Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
Turnip, potato FC‑1+ 1 mm 1/32"
Carrot FC‑2+ 2 mm 5/64"
Turnip, leek, celery, carrot FC‑6D 6 mm 1/4"
Pepperoni, fuet, cooked ham FC‑6D 6 mm 1/4"
Lemon, ginger FC‑6D 6 mm 1/4"
Broccoli FC‑10D 10 mm 3/8"
Onion FC‑14D 14 mm 15/32"

FC Discs with FMC grids

To cut dices

Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
 FC-8D & FMC-8D 8 x 8 mm 5/16" x 5/16"
 FC-10D & FMC-10D 10 x 10 mm 3/8" x 3/8"
 FC-14D & FMC-14D 14 x 14 mm 15/32" x 15/32"
 FC-20+ & FMC-20+ 20 x 20 mm 3/4" x 3/4"
 FC-25+ & FMC-25+ 25 x 25 mm 1" x 1"

Dices of

Product Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
Zucchini, potato, carrot  FC-10D & FMC‑10D 10 x 10 mm 3/8" x 3/8"
Tomato, onion  FC-14D & FMC‑14D 14 x 14 mm 15/32" x 15/32"
Potato  FC-20+ & FMC‑20+ 20 x 20 mm 3/4" x 3/4"

FC discs and FFC grids

To cut french fries

Product Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
French fries FC-8D & FFC‑8+ 8 x 8 mm 5/16"
Turnip FC-10D & FFC‑10+ 10 x 10 mm 3/8"

FCC discs

For cutting slices of soft products

Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
FCC-2+ 2 mm 5/64"
FCC-3+ 3 mm 1/8"
FCC-5+ 5 mm 3/16"

Curved slices of...

Product Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness  (imperial)
Zucchini FCC-2+ 2 mm 5/64"
Banana, onion FCC-2+ 2 mm 5/64"
Crab sticks FCC-3+ 3 mm 1/8"
Orange FCC-5+ 5 mm 3/16"
Tomato, ham FCC-5+ 5 mm 3/16"

FCO discs

For cutting wavy slices

Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
FCO‑2+ 2 mm 5/64"
FCO‑3+ 3 mm 1/8"
FCO‑6+ 6 mm 1/4"

Wavy slices of...

Product Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
Zucchini, potato, carrot FCO‑2+ 2 mm 5/64"
Potato with skin FCO‑6+ 6 mm 1/4"

FCE discs

For french fries, strips or batons

Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
FCE-2+ 2 mm 5/64"
FCE-4+ 4 mm 5/32"
FCE-8+ 8 mm 5/16"

Strips of...

Product Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
Cheddar cheese  FCE‑8+ 8 mm 5/16"
Carrot, zucchini  FCE‑4+ 4 mm 5/32"
Potato  FCE‑8+ 8 mm 5/16"

Cutting peppers with FCE discs

Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
FCE-2+ 2 mm 5/64"
FCE-4+ 4 mm 5/32"
FCE-8+ 8 mm 5/16"

SH discs

Grating discs

Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
SH-2 2 mm 5/64"
SH-3 3 mm 1/8"
SH-4 4 mm 5/32"
SH-5 5 mm 3/16"
SH-6 6 mm 1/4"
SH-7 7 mm 9/32"
SHF Fine grating
SHG Coarse grating

Use of grating discs


Product Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
"Sopako" bread (breadcrumbs)  SHF  Fine grating
Parmesan cheese  SHG  Coarse grating
Chocolate  SH-3  3 mm 1/8"
Cheddar cheese  SH-6  6 mm 1/4"

Special cuts


Product Disc Cutting thickness (metric) Cutting thickness (imperial)
Parmesan cheese SHG Coarse grating
Cheddar cheese SH‑6 6mm 1/4"
Cheddar cheese FCE‑8 8mm 5/16"


Product Disc
Cheese SH-7 7 mm disc for shredding
Onion, mushrooms, zucchini... FCC-3+ 3 mm disc for slicing
Tomato, aubergine...  FCC-5+ 5 mm disc for slicing

Fresh French Fries

Product Disc
French fries Combination of 10 mm disc and grid FC-10D + FFC-10+
"Patatas bravas" Combination of 20 mm cube disc and grid FC-20+ + FMC-20+


Product Disc
Pico de gallo Combination of 8 mm cube disc and grid FC-8D + FMC-8+
Ensalada de col Disc for grating vegetables of different thickness SH discs

Potato purée 

with the potato masher kit FP+

This accessory is used on vegetable preparation machines and combi machines and must be used in conjunction with a FC slicing disc.

Grid cleaning

Grid cleaner kit: efficent, quick and safe

Quick Cleaner has been designed for an efficient, quick and safe grid cleaning operation. The kit consists of a grid holder and specific cleaners for each grid size and is available for 8x8mm and 10x10mm dicing grids.

QC-U universal grid cleaner

Designed to efficiently clean all grids of all Sammic veg prep machines and combined machines, from both the Compact and Heavy Duty lines. The cleaner is included with all the mentioned machines.



Cutting guide brochure


Sammic Corp.

1225 Hartrey Avenue
Evanston (IL)
Tel.: +1 (224) 307-2232
Toll Free: +1 844 275 3848
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